Home Visiting Program
The Bright Beginnings Home Visiting Program is an extension of our two-generation approach beyond our early learning center. This program is open to pregnant women and children from birth until age three and offers Early Head Start services to children and families in their home environments.
Home Visitors meet with parents and their children in the family’s home environment during a weekly 90-minute visit. During each of these visits, parents are coached on strategies for being their child’s first and best teacher. Our Home Visitors provide health screenings and assessments for the child, plus family support services including connecting families with workforce development, health, mental health, and disability services. Each family’s Home Visitor collaborates closely with case managers and other service providers involved with the family.
BBI’s Home-Based Program uses the Parents as Teachers (PAT) foundational curriculum. This is an evidence-informed and research-based curriculum designed to promote healthy child and family development from pregnancy through age three. The curriculum has a wealth of family-friendly activities and information about a range of development and parenting topics pertinent to families of young children.

Five Components of BBI’s Evidence-Based Model
Strategic Focus on Infant and Maternal Wellness
Our Infant & Maternal Wellness program uses the Healthy Families America curriculum which focuses on 10 components.
Programming for Pregnant Moms
Prenatal Yoga
Birthing Classes
Education Classes for First Time Moms
Education for Teen Moms
Moms Over 40
Moms Experiencing Domestic Violence
Programming for Expecting & New Dads
Vision Boarding & Goal Setting
Obtaining a GED or Completing High School
Pursuing a Trade or Certification
Navigating Resources
Fatherhood Support Group
Partner Support Classes: Understanding Labor & Delivery
Who is Your Support Network?
Mental Health: Mindfulness & Self-Care Classes
Infant Care & Safety
Safe Sleep Classes