Family Services
All enrolled families are provided a Family Advocate who works with them to develop a Family Partnership Agreement and set goals to support each family. BBI families work with their Family Advocate on goals that are designed to empower parents and transform the lives of families.
Our Family Services Program provides knowledgeable and reliable resources to families to assist them in:
Building economic assets
Supporting personal health & wellbeing
Accruing social capital
Parent Engagement
Bright Beginnings is deeply committed to a two-generation approach and works closely with parents to help the whole family succeed.
Parents are encouraged to attend BBI’s Parent Orientation Fair on the first Friday in August each year, and join their child for the first half of the first day. During the first day, they can meet teachers and learn about our curriculum, instructional practices and services.
BBI’s monthly parent-teacher conferences keep parents updated on their child’s progress and how they can support their child’s education outside the classroom. Our twice yearly home visits ensure that our teachers know and understand the unique needs of each family.
Parents are also encouraged to volunteer in the classrooms, serve as chaperones on field trips, participate on a parent committee, and serve on the Parent Policy Council which reviews and approves all Head Start budgets.

Self-Sufficiency Matrix
During the 2018-2019 school year, BBI launched our Self-Sufficiency Matrix (SSM). The matrix is a measurement tool used by case management staff and our CARE (crisis-intervention) Team. Family Advocates assess families using the matrix by asking questions and scoring families in specific categories such as: mental health, employment stability, safety, food access, and more. This measurement enables BBI to identify families who are in crisis and provide them with employment assistance, legal advice, guidance in finding housing, and access to other resources.