Strategic Focus on Infant and Maternal Wellness
This facet of our programming provides intervention and supports to pregnant women with the goal of decreasing the astoundingly high infant mortality rates in Washington, DC, specifically East of the River. Pregnant moms will be educated on prenatal, perinatal and postnatal care.
Our Infant & Maternal Wellness programming focuses on pregnant mothers, especially teen moms, moms experiencing domestic violence, first time moms, and moms over 40. Weekly visits and monthly scheduled programming connect mothers with much-needed resources including doulas, lactation supports, birthing classes, safe sleep practices, mindfulness and wellness practices, and therapeutic services that span the entire prenatal, perinatal and post-postpartum periods for mother and child.
Our program uses the Health Families America curriculum which focuses on 10 components:
Prenatal Supports
Maternal & Child Healthcare
Child Development Resources
Family Goal Planning
Service Planning
Trusted Support
Relationship Building
Parent Support Groups
Referrals to Community Resources
Child Welfare Protocols